
Tap Into Location and Mobility Data to Personalize Advertising

For marketers hoping to reap the benefits of mobile advertising, location intelligence is a must-have. With accurate location data, it becomes possible to serve the right customer with the perfect ad in real-time. POI and visitation data also make it easier to understand consumer and competitor behaviors and trends, enabling tailored product offerings. That’s why a data-rich strategy is essential for advertisers and brands looking to edge out the competition and capture market share.

Comprehensive Location-Based Advertising

dataplor’s geospatial intelligence allows marketers and their clients to craft winning advertising strategies driven by location data.


Develop Competitive Intelligence

dataplor’s spatial and mobility data gives you access to competitive intelligence about consumer behavior, foot traffic, and market trends. Before launching a campaign, you can leverage our geospatial datasets to analyze any neighborhood, assess the success or failure of nearby businesses, and identify high-traffic complementary sites that could drive sales.


Capitalize on Geotargeted Marketing

Location data is key for any advertiser interested in cutting-edge marketing tactics like geotargeting, geo-conquesting, and geofencing. With dataplor’s global geospatial datasets, you can craft personalized advertising campaigns that always reach the right customer.


Tailor Product Offerings to Consumer Demand

Leveraging dataplor’s POI and mobility data empowers you to customize product promotions and offerings, and gain insight into competitor locations, visit counts, and customer satisfaction scores. With this valuable information, you can make informed decisions on which products to prioritize in your promotions and even scale your offerings based on popular competitor locations. These insights bring a new level of sophistication and personalization to your geotargeted advertising campaigns.

dataplor provides you with the tools you need for successful marketing strategies.

Leveraging dataplor’s data, you can create customized advertising strategies to maximize your success rate.

Learn How

Opting for poor data can cost you $$$


When dealing with inaccurate data, there is a risk of targeting the wrong audience or placing ads in oversaturated areas. This can result in a significant waste of advertising budget and resources.

Without accurate location and mobility data, you may struggle to identify the right demographics, places for positioning, or product demand forecasting, resulting in wasted spend.

Incomplete data may cause you to miss out on potential customers who would have been interested in your offerings. You might overlook valuable untapped market opportunities.

If your advertisements or marketing campaigns are shown in irrelevant contexts due to inaccurate data, it can damage your brand’s reputation and make your messaging seem unprofessional or out of touch.

Advertising decisions based on poor data can lead to lower conversion rates, which in turn results in a lower return on investment.

dataplor is an industry leader in providing the location intelligence that advertisers need to create exciting, personalized location marketing. We offer a wide range of location intelligence that enables marketers to identify the right regions and consumers for ad delivery and to reliably roll out winning strategies. All of our data complies with strict privacy regulations, including GDPR. We do not collect or use any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), guaranteeing that our data prioritizes user privacy while going beyond traditional standards.
